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SyncMate Free Version vs Expert Edition and Supported Devices

Last updated on October 10, 2017

mi pc assistant suite for mac

Synchronizing Apple iDevices with mac is just a piece of cake. Anyone can easily synchronize iPhone, iPad or iPad with mac using iCloud. But if you want to sync any other devices other than iDevices than it could be a nightmare as there is no built-in option in Mac OS. So ultimately a user has to look for the third party software which can provide this functionality. Unfortunately, there are different third-party applications are available but all those applications are for different products. If you need to synchronize Android mobiles, you need a different version and if you need to synchronize your cloud storage than you need to buy the other version of the same application.


While I was searching for Mi PC suite for Mac to sync my device, I found Syncmate which allows me to synchronize different devices, cloud storage and many other applications to sync with just one simple version.

Before getting the paid version of Syncmate, I tested the application by downloading its free version and synchronized different devices. With 3 to 4 clicks, I was able to synchronize my Mi5 and then I tried the same process to synchronize Oppo, Google Nexus, Samsung Galaxy and few more brands. SyncMate successfully synchronized all the devices that I test on it. Then I also tried my MTP device and I was happy to see that SyncMate was able to sync it without any problem just like any other mobile device.

SyncMate claims to sync any mounted storage device as well, though I have not checked it myself; but I am sure with the same process it will be able to sync any mounted storage device in few minutes. Here is a list of all the devices which SyncMaate can synchronize easily with mac:

  • Android Devices
  • Another Mac
  • iOS Devices
  • Mounted Device
  • iCloud
  • DropBox
  • Google Account
  • Outlook Account
  • MTP Device
  • Office 365 Business
  • Office 365 Home
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The free version will be able to synchronize Contacts and Calendar and it will also provide background synchronization option. While the expert edition which you need to buy can synchronize all your media files, folders, documents, SMS, Call History, Bookmarks, Reminders, Music and Playlists. It also allows automatic sync option which is a very handy feature and a mobile user can keep using the mobile during the synchronization process.


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