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How to secure your wifi connection from other people

Last updated on October 14, 2017

how to secure wifi

A lot of users have asked me using my email address that how they can save the monthly internet bundle from other people. They knew that they can put a wifi password on the router so that other people can’t use the wifi. But the problem is that you can’t deny your neighbors when they ask you to provide them your wifi password. If you tell them that you don’t want to share your wifi password with any other, they will feel bad about you. And this is the main reason that a lot of users are asking me how they can protect their internet connection so that no one can even ask them about the password.

Basically, there are two ways which can be very helpful to save your internet bundle from other people. The first method is to use the mac addresses while the other method is to hide the access point.


In the first method, you need to login to your router’s web interface using the wifi router IP which is in most of the cases or you can search for login details of 192.168.l.l on Google. After login, you need to open the wireless settings. From wireless settings, you need to check the mac addresses of your devices which you want to allow to connect the internet. For this first change your password so that all devices disconnect from the wifi. After that connect your own devices with the new password. Then from Wireless settings, you need to go to Station info where you will find the mac addresses of all the connected devices.

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Note down these mac addresses in an excel sheet or in any other document. Then go to mac filters under the wireless menu of the router and from here you will find three radio boxes with the name disable, allow and deny. First, you need to add the mac addresses on this page one by one. These will be the addresses of your own devices like laptop, computers, or mobile devices. Once you add the mac addresses of all the devices, then click on allow option which was on disable before. After applying these options only your own devices will be able to connect to wifi even if you remove the password from wifi.

Now you can remove the wifi password so that when your neighbors ask you for the password you can tell them that you don’t have any password on wifi. Then can also check this from their own devices that when they try to connect to your wifi, their device will not ask for the password, but their device will not be able to connect to your router. In this way, you can tell them that this is a problem of their own device that it is not able to connect to the router. You can also add the mac addresses of your neighbor’s devices in the mac filter and then select the option of “deny”. In this way, any device can connect to your network other than your neighbor’s devices which are blocked by mac addresses.

In the second method, from the option of wireless and then navigating to basic settings, you can hide your access point from others. In this way, the name of your wifi will not be visible to any device other than one which you are using. But this is not that much effective as your own devices will not be able to use the internet if you do this.

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