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9 Facts You Didn’t Know About Hailey Baldwin (Hailey Bieber)

Hailey Baldwin Facts You Didn't know

Hailey Baldwin is an American model who married the American singer Justin Bieber in 2018. Many people wanted to know more about her, so here we are presenting 9 facts that you might didn’t knew before about Hailey Baldwin.


1. Birth Name

The birth name of Hailey Baldwin is Hailey Rhode Baldwin but mostly she doesn’t use the “Rhode” with her name. After she married, now she is using the name Hailey Rhode Bieber or simply Hailey Bieber.

2. She was a Ballet Dancer

In an interview, she told that dance was her passion and she is dancing since she was five. She was a ballet dancer, but due to her foot injury, she couldn’t continue it.

3. She Loves DIY Clothes


Hailey Baldwin in an interview admits that she loves DIY crafting. She specifically mentioned the DIY clothes as she loves to create DIY shorts out of ripped jeans. She said, she loves denim and she also told in the interview that she ruined many jeans at the start as she cut them without taking the proper measurements.


4. Hailey Baldwin Loves Leonardo DiCaprio

well, it is not a hidden truth, she usually shares the pictures of Leonardo DiCaprio on her Instagram profile. Baldwin openly admits that she loves DiCaprio and she also shared an incident when she was sitting in a bar in London. DiCaprio was also there, approached her, and asked for a date. She said, why not, but first ask my husband.

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5. She Loves Laid-Back Style

In a video, Hailey Baldwin said that he loves to be simple and comfortable in style. She said that her style is laid back and she also said that she wants to be comfortable and chic.

6. She Wants a Superpower

Everyone loves superheroes, the same is the case with Hailey Baldwin. In an interview with FORD, she said that she wanted a superpower that allows her to transport herself anywhere in the world by the snapping of her fingers.


7. Hailey Met Justin in 2009

Hailey Baldwin Facts

She said that she was a big fan of Justin Bieber and she met him the first time backstage in 2009 at Today Show. She was introduced by her father at that time.

8. Hailey Baldwin Tattoos

Most celebrities like to have body tattoos, but Hailey Baldwin has around 19 tattoos on her body which is too much. These small tattoos represent her family or close friends.

9. Hailey Baldwin Loves Boxing

She said fitness is important and to maintain her figure, she wants to be physically active. Hailey Baldwin said that she would like to step into the boxing ring soon as she is massively into boxing. Using boxing steps into the dance steps is what she liked and she believes that it is boxing that keeps her active and good in shape.


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