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How to Clean the Refrigerator and Ways to Clean the Bathroom with White Vinegar

Last updated on January 29, 2021

how to clean fridge

You can clean your refrigerator with the Vinegar. To learn the process read the below instructions carefully.

Ingredients with

  • White vinegar.
  • Liquid cleaner.
  • warm water.



  1. The electricity is separated from the refrigerator and then emptied of all food.
  2. Then remove all parts and shelves of the refrigerator and leave it until it becomes at room temperature.
  3. A mixture of vinegar, liquid cleaner, and water is prepared with the company cleaning the glass facades in Riyadh.
  4. Dip a sponge in the mixture and clean the shelves and parts of the refrigerator well.
  5. Rinse the parts of the refrigerator with water and dry thoroughly.
  6. The refrigerator is cleaned from inside and outside with the same mixture, and the refrigerator is rinsed with a wet cotton towel.
  7. Dry the refrigerator using a clean, dry cotton cloth and leave the refrigerator open for ventilation until it is restarted.

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Also, check these DIY carpet cleaning tips.

Recipes for cleaning the bathroom with natural materials

The ingredients:

  • Bicarbonate glass.
  • White vinegar.


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  1. Spray the toilet with carbonate powder or baking soda.
  2. A quantity of white vinegar is then prepared with a sprayer and vinegar is added to the carbonate powder.
  3. The ingredients are left to react for at least half an hour.
  4. Then rub the toilet thoroughly using the brush designated for it.

Cleaning stains with ceramic separators

The ingredients

  • Half a cup of sodium carbonate.
  • Half a cup of white vinegar.
  • Half a cup of lemon juice.
  • 5 liters of water.


  1. Prepare ingredients and bottle sprayer.
  2. Then add the ingredients to each other and stir until they are completely blended.
  3. The airbrush shall be filled with a mixture of ceramic workshops and between the joints and left for at least five minutes.
  4. The ceramic joints are then rubbed by brushing until stains are removed and the ceramic tile is rinsed with running water.

Removal of calcareous sediment with water faucets

The ingredients:

  • 3 tablespoons sodium carbonate.
  • A spoon of water.


  1. Prepare the ingredients and mix them until they are completely mixed.
  2. Then mix the lime deposits with water taps and rub them well.

Leave the mixture for at least one hour and rinse with water.


Ways to clean the bathroom with white vinegar:

  • Clean toilet stains

The ingredients:

  • 3 cups white vinegar.


  • Prepare an appropriate amount of white vinegar.
  • The white vinegar is sprayed with the toilet on the spots and left for at least half an hour, preferably overnight and cleaned in the morning.
  • The toilet will then be scrubbed with its own brushes and the stains will disappear and the toilet will give a luster and a special glow.
  • Vinegar also helps to kill fungus and disinfection and get rid of unpleasant odors.
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Don’t ignore the drains of the refrigerator as well as there might be some blockage as well from the dirt and other stuff. It could create the leaking of water problems.

Also, as an extra measure of cleanliness, the drains and sewer clearance is also important to keep the home clean. If you don’t clean your drains regularly, the water can be blocked and can enter into the house as well which will be a very bad situation for you.


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