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5 Useful Tips How to Buy Used Laptops in Best Price

Last updated on May 19, 2022


If you are going to buy a laptop for yourself and you don’t have enough budget to purchase a brand new laptop then obviously you will choose a used laptop with better specifications instead of buying a new laptop with lesser specs to meet your budget.

Here I will give you 5 important tips about how to buy used laptops.

Always buy from a reputed dealer:

When you decide to buy a laptop you should always buy the laptop from a reputed dealer in your area. Make sure that the dealer is professional in dealing and has a good reputation.

If you are going to buy from an online store then don’t forget to check the reviews from old customers. If you are in Vietnam then laptop Dell cu ha noi is a good option for you, as described by the name they sell second-hand Dell laptops in the capital.


Try to buy a Refurbished instead of the Used laptop:

There are some laptops that are repaired by the manufacturer of the brand and maintained just like the brand new. These laptops are better than used laptops which are not maintained, refurbished laptops are slightly higher in price than the used ones but they are more reliable.

Check the laptop properly if it is damaged from any side:

While buying a used laptop there are more chances that its body is cracked or damaged from any side. Most users only check the specs and working capabilities of the laptop.

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They don’t inspect the machine’s body to if it is cracked or not. So make sure that the body of the laptop is okay and not cracked.

Check the battery life of the used laptop:

Though it is not that much important it is better to check if the battery lasts long for at least 2 hours without the charger plugged in. If the battery is weak you should negotiate on the price because you can change the battery later easily by spending a small amount.

Ask for the check warranty:

It is obvious that used laptops might not have a manufacturer warranty left. Very few chances are there that manufacturer warranty is there.

If you got that then it is your luck but if it is the case then you must ask the dealer to give you some check warranty let say for one month or even for one week. But it is good to have a warranty when you are buying a used laptop.


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